How to complete the profile and change the password.
How to list services.
How to sync Google Calendar.

To sync your calendar, sign in at, go to Settings, and copy the “Booking Export URL”.

Then go to your Google Calendar page and click on + (plus sign) next to “Other Calendars”

Click on “From URL”

Now past the URL and click on Add calendar. Now, all the blocks coming from your profile’s calendar will show on your Google Calendar.

To be able to block your profile calendar whenever you are busy on your Google Calendar, you need to follow the steps below.

Click on the 3 dots that appear next to your work calendar.

Now, click on Settings

Coping the Secret Ical will sync your Google Calendar to your profile calendar on a read-only view.

To be able to edit and do more with the calendars integration, your work calendar has to be marked as public and the link below must be pasted under Settings – Booking Import URL.

How to sync Outlook Calendar.

To sync your calendar, sign in at, go to Settings, and copy the “Booking Export URL”.

Then go to your Outlook Calendar page and click “Add calendar”

Now add the fields and that is it! Now you will be able to see blocks and appointments on your Outlook Calendar!

Now, for your Outlook busy times to block your schedule, go to Settings – Shared Calendar – Publish a calendar – select your work calendar then public it. Then copy the ICS link.

Now you can paste that link into your profile settings – Booking Import URL.

How to block and unblock spots on the calendar.

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Please, add your complete address. Only for administrators. Other users won't have access to this information.

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Please enter your username or email address, you will receive a link to create a new password via email.